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Showing posts from January, 2013


Here is a list of thoughts I thought today: WAKING UP: 'mornin BRUSHING TEETH: this takes forever EATING BREAKFIST:yum! LYING BY THE FIRE: oh ya! GETTING IN THE CAR TO GO TO SCHOOL : Brrrrrrrr…  ENTERING THE SCHOOL: I'm beggining to really dislike this place. STARTING TO WORK: I hope fifth grade is better than this DISSECTING OWL PELLETS: Awesome STAYING IN FOR RESCESS: bor-ing AFTERNOON: same as rescess  GOING HOME: Awesome  As I said, thoughts I thought during the day. 


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T.F.O.B & how things work

Now, as many of you readers know, I own my own library that is located in my own room.  If you do not already know this it is called Trunk Full-O-Books (T.F.O.B for short).  Lately I have  been renovating my library.  If you have a membership card the annual fee date is changing to February the 1st.  Just keeping you guys updated. You may have noticed that beautiful poem a wrote yesterday?  Well, that poem was completely come up with on the spot.  At school we've been studying poetry so we can write a few poems for the annual poetry performance.  My teacher (Dan) encouraged us to try to write a few poems over the weekend, and, as some of you know, I'm sort of a procrastinator when it comes to doing school work so I didn't really want to do it but just before the end of last fridays school day I came up with an idea: How To Build A Poem.  Now that was just the idea for the poem, I didn't really have in mind what the conte...

The Avengers

Tonight we watched the movie called the Avengers.  If you haven't seen it, two words: watch it!  It is so awesome!  It has Hulk and Thor and Iron Man and Captain America             Hawk Eye etc.  Look it up!  I mean seriously, who doesn't like the Hulk!  Come on! It's just like BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!!  Awesome right?!  Right?